RAC Acceptance East v. McBurnie

Supreme Court of the United States

Case: RAC Acceptance East v. McBurnie

Court: Supreme Court of the United States

Date: July 15, 2024

Question Presented: “Whether the Federal Arbitration Act permits courts to refuse to sever and compel arbitration of individualized and divisible components of a claim merely because they have been pleaded as a single cause of action with a nonarbitrable request, such as for a public injunction, and the arbitration agreement expressly provides that a ‘claim for relief’ that cannot be arbitration individually is severable and remains n court.”

RLC’s Position: The RLC's brief explains the importance of the question presented, articulates the conflict of the Ninth Circuit’s decision with FAA jurisprudence, and specifies that this case is a good vehicle for clarifying any confusing leading to decisions inconsistent with the FAA after Viking River.

Coalition: The RLC joined a coalition brief led by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

Counsel: Peter B. Rutledge


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