Community Engagement

Learning directly from peers, sharing challenges, and hearing from experts is perhaps the most efficient way to keep up to date with regulatory and environmental changes, industry trends, and innovative approaches. RILA and the RCC provide a number of ways for retail professionals to connect and share. These include committees and networks, webinars, and meetings. While the areas covered are broad and encompass a variety of environmental regulatory and sustainability topics, they are all retail-focused.

Peer Networks

Invitation-only. Open to non-RILA members.

Retail Culture & Community Committee

RILA's Retail Culture & Community Committee is a committee to support executives who work on aligning corporate strategies with company culture.

Environmental Compliance Network

The Environmental Compliance Network is comprised of environmental professionals charged with leading compliance programs for our retail members.

Energy Management Network

Retailers benchmark best practices, and collectively identify next practices (i.e. pilot projects) to build robust energy management programs.

Zero Waste Network

Professionals convene to advance management throughout their supply chains to improve diversion & explore collaboration to a more circular economy.

Peer Committees

Open to RILA members only.

Environmental Advocacy Committee

RILA member company executives meet quarterly to advise on environmental legislative and regulatory advocacy priorities and policy positions.

Responsible Sourcing

This community of retail professionals meet to network and share information on leading practices, challenges, and industry trends.

Sustainability Committee

Retail sustainability/CSR executives meet twice per year, plus monthly via conference call, to share leading practices and network.



Opportunities to network, share ideas and learn together with industry peers.

Discover Our Past Webinars and Trainings


Online training and recorded webinars on retail environmental compliance and sustainability.


Discover the Retail Compliance Center! RCC Crossroads is a monthly newsletter from the Retail Compliance Center that provide retailers with the latest information on environmental compliance, regulations, enforcement and sustainability, as well as information on new resources, blog posts, training and events. View our past newsletters to make sure that you did not miss important topics or news and for details on RCC content.

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