BSAC, PASS, NAM Call on Congress to Pass INFORM Consumers Act
December 13, 2021
The Honorable Nancy Pelosi Speaker United States House of Representatives Washington, DC 20515 |
The Honorable Chuck Schumer Majority Leader United States Senate Washington, DC 20510 |
The Honorable Kevin McCarthy Minority Leader United States House of Representatives Washington, DC 20515 |
The Honorable Mitch McConnell |
Dear Speaker Pelosi, Leader Schumer, Leader McConnell and Leader McCarthy:
The members of the Buy Safe America Coalition, the Coalition to Protect America's Small Sellers and the National Association of Manufacturers want to express our strong support for the Integrity, Notification and Fairness in Online Retail Marketplaces (INFORM) for Consumers Act. This important bipartisan and bicameral legislation will reform our consumer protection laws to safeguard families and communities from the sale of stolen and counterfeit products, while also strengthening the ability of manufacturers, retailers and platforms to address criminal elements. We urge its quick consideration and passage.
The Buy Safe America Coalition (BSAC), the Coalition to Protect America's Small Sellers (PASS) and the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) represent a diverse group of members that encompass manufacturers, retailers and online marketplaces large and small.
While there is not one single solution to eliminating organized retail crime or the sale of counterfeits, passing the INFORM Consumers Act is an urgently needed first step. The legislation requires sensible verification and disclosure requirements designed to disrupt the ability of criminal networks to build a business selling illicit goods online that competes directly with legitimate businesses and entrepreneurs operating both physically and online.
The INFORM Consumers Act is uniquely positioned to help protect consumers and legitimate businesses by increasing transparency online, making it easier for consumers to identify exactly who they are buying from while making it harder for criminal elements to hide behind fake screen names and false business information. The legislation has unified retailers, consumer groups, leading online marketplaces, small online sellers, law enforcement, manufacturers and other groups that are serious about stopping the sale of counterfeit and stolen goods sold online.
Our organizations agree that it is past time for Congress to modernize our consumer safety laws so that consumers, retail employees and businesses are not harmed by organized retail crime and dangerous counterfeit products. Implementing basic transparency and verification protocols is essential and will finally expose criminals who are selling consumers stolen, fake and dangerous products. This legislation represents a broadly supported, actionable first step that Congress can take right now, and a plank in its continued legislative efforts to find effective ways to tackle the growing problem of both organized retail crime and the sale of counterfeit goods.
We appreciate your support and timely action on this needed legislation. We look forward to working with youand your staff to help protect communities, families, and consumers.
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Michael Hanson Spokesperson Buy Safe America Coalition |
Chris Lamond Executive Director Protect America's Small Sellers |
Christopher Netram Vice President, Trade & Domestic Economic Policy National Association of Manufacturers |
Discover More About the Coalition

About Coalition
The Buy Safe America Coalition represents a diverse group of responsible retailers, consumer groups, manufacturers, intellectual property advocates, and law enforcement officials who support efforts to protect consumers and communities from the sale of counterfeit and stolen goods.
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The Problem
The marketplace today for common, everyday goods is flooded with counterfeit and stolen products. Absent reform, legitimate businesses, and consumers will continue to be harmed.
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Frequently Asked Questions
What constitutes a counterfeit product? Why aren’t major online marketplaces doing more? Answers to common questions around the issue of organized retail crime.
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